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Tiarnan O'Sullivan
Writer / Director

Tiarnan's early years were spent between both the UK and Ireland, before he moved to London in 2011 to start his career as a freelance Writer and Director working in the film and television industries.
His wide and varied experiences as both a writer and director includes work on features, shorts, music videos, promos and online content.
Tiarnan has worked with many prominent actors and comedians including Sir Ian Mckellan, Ray Winstone, Paul Reiser, Ben Whishaw, Aiden Gillen, Omid Djalili, Jack Dee, Eddie Izzard, and Michael McIntyre amongst others.
In March 2019 Tiarnan was selected for the prestigous Director's UK "Inspire" scheme and will be now be mentored by Director Jim O'Hanlon (Catastrophe & The Punisher).
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